I'll go ahead and apologize for being a blog slacker...Go ahead! Smack my hand. Send me to the corner! Put me in time out....I deserve it.
Procrastination's normally not my game but life's not just that exciting lately folks. We haven't been sitting around watching paint dry or grass grow or anything. I guess I could have written about my leaking kitchen sink, the fact that my floors are begging for a good mopping, or that there is evidently an entire spider family building cobwebs in my bedroom window - but I don't suffer from insomnia and I bet you don't either. Cruel and unusual punishment that would be.
Nevertheless, we are so glad that spring has finally sprung here in the valley. Everything is fresh and new. The mountains have transitioned from muddy brown to vibrant green in a matter of days.
The whole thing kinda reminds me of that scene from Bambi when the forest wakes up from a long winter's nap and the birds are going crazy and everybody is "twitterpated" according to the owl....
What do you mean you don't remember that?!
Epic childhood Disney action. Shame on you! My favorite blanket as a teeny tiny was covered in Bambi, Thumper, Flower, and all their friends...sigh....the good old days.
Focus, Mandy.
Anyway, I decided to celebrate this vibrant new season by starting an herb garden. No, we are not going to have the "Is it HUH-ERB or ERB" battle. I don't care how you say it. I just like to eat 'em. I love fresh food (especially in summer) and fresh herbs make EVERYTHING taste better so I thought I'd give it a try.
Because herbs tend to be very invasive when planted with other stuff I decided to start with some planters. Now I'm just sitting here, tapping my foot - waiting for them to sprout. According to the seed packets I've got another 7-12 days to wait...Have I told you lately that patience is not one of my virtues?
Just ask Kevin (well, only if you have an hour....or maybe 50 years...sheesh).
Our project this last weekend included planting a vegetable garden and working on our front flower beds. Kevin was outside tilling up the dirt for me like a pro. Such a sweetie! Besides, he knows that the chances of me hurting myself using a self-propelled tool with blades is most likely 100%.
More photos to come!
Mandy & Herb

This is where herb lives...on the back steps. You'll see that Basil and Cilantro are quite cozy in the upper left. The Chives and Oregano haven't joined the party yet...waiting to make a grande entrance. But Rosemary and Parsley are shyly introducing themselves in the bottom left planter. Can't wait.
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