Kevin rocking the sweater vest....I had no idea four years ago that I was marrying Mr. Rogers. Don't worry, I made him put it back on the rack. I'm no fashionista but I'm pretty sure button-up sweaters aren't allowed for at least another 30 years.
I was shocked to discover that there is such a thing as a store dedicated solely (pun definately intended) to the proliferation of ridiculous rubber shoes. I know some of you out there LOVE crocs. I have to give them at least one brownie point for being the only completely recycleable shoe out there. And I'm sure they're comfortable, yada yada yada but I am not a fan....never have been...they come in riculous colors and patterns, are made entirely out of rubber, and people everywhere seem to think its okay to wear them with socks and shorts in the summer. Once again I'm no fashion expert but something about these shoes makes my left eye start to twitch. You'd expect to be openly mocked if you wore wooden clogs in public but somehow if its made of rubber its suddenly okay. Do I wear my blue, furry slippers with the pink hearts on them (thanks sister in law Nat :) out in public?? No, of course not - that would be silly, right? I argue that a croc is nothing more than a naked, furless slipper (same shape - admit it); therefore, if it must be worn, it should remain in the house.
I may stand alone, but I must stand against the ever popular croc. Sorry folks.
Expecting 43 pairs on my next birthday from disgruntled croc enthusiasts everywhere,
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