I know I'm behind! Here are pictures of our installation service that happened on August 9th. This was the official ceremony installing us as pastor. Rev. Reed (assistant district superintendent) preached a sermon about unity and moving forward together as a church. The couple in the pictures with us are Lynn and Kathleen Casseday, the retiring pastor and his wife. I think it was a little bittersweet for them as well as the congregation. The Cassedays have done a phenomenal job pastoring this church for the last 13 years and it will be a big change for them to move into retirement. We are thankful that they are staying active within the congregation and will be available for advice and encouragement. After the service we had a legendary Nazarene potluck that left us full and sleepy!

The torch has been passed...and I'm trying not to burn the church down
Bowling and singsperation pictures to come! Intrigued aren't you?!
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