Anyway, once our kids were officially in the throws of a sugar high we packed them and all of us chaperones into 6 bowling lanes. We had about 30-35 in attendance so every lane had about 5 competitors. On a sad note...the air conditioner wasn't working and it was HOT in there! We're lucky there were no sick kids after cramming them full of sugar and pizza!
Lucky for me 4 girls grabbed me for their bowling team....Abby, Hannah, Hannah Shea, and Whitney. They were the best cheering section ever! I'm pretty sure it helped because I bowled a 93 the first game and a 107 the second game. It might have also had something to do with the gutter guards the owner put up for us. We must have been pretty pitiful. If not for that I'm almost sure Abby would have had ZERO points and a hernia by the end of the evening.

Getting ready...

Meet Justin....children's church teacher, board member, usher, and young adult sunday school teacher extraordinaire. We're thinking of making all the ushers were these shoes every certainly adds something. They didn't help his bowling game though. I'm pretty sure I could have beaten him blindfolded, backwards, and bowling with my left hand....

Beginning at the left: Whitney, Abby, Hannah, Hannah Shea, Charlene (behind), and Christy.

Beginning at left...Taylor, Kodey (restraining Taylor?), Dylan, Susan (behind), Sawyer, Blake, Christy, and Charlene.

The Chaperones!....beginning left, Kevin, Justin, his wife Vicki, and Mark (our awesome soundman)
Kevin...either flexing or I caught him off guard. You decide. He was probably just miffed that I kicked his tail in game 2.
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