Come on!...pplleeassee. Pretty please?!
You'll never guess because it is beyond human fathoming.
Okay, I'll give you a hint:

This fancy schmancy hand stamp was required. No, it is not a ping pong paddle.
You can be more creative than that. Think! Use that gray matter!
Give up?! Man, you really stink at this guessing thing......I'll give you a hint.........

I give good hints. Yes, that's right. The National Cornbread Festival. Jealous, yet?
This last weekend we took it upon ourselves to attend the National Cornbread Festival in neighboring South Pittsburg TN. Natalie came up for the weekend...who wouldn't?....(okay, all of you out there with corn allergies are off the hook).... cornbread goodness as far as the eye can see. Its a no brainer.

A rare brother sister bonding moment. I've got the crazy pictures on my hard drive if you want 'em. But since I want to remain Natalie's favorite sister in law I refrained from posting.

Two faces so stinkin cute that they conned me into buying a little bitty teeny weeny coke for $1.50. Such a sucker.
Mountain Cove Bluegrass - I'm pretty sure I glimpsed a tear in several eyes as they played Rocky Top. You missed it, but the guitar player took his Tennessee hat off and held it over his heart. Hilarious!
Yes, folks, its true. The proof is in the pictures.
How about one last picture? You all know how I love pictures. Useful for so many blackmail perhaps?

Anyway, it did decide to rain - well, maybe that's a bit of an understatement - it monsooned outside all weekend, but we did find a rainless window on Saturday morning to join in the festivities. AND...I met almost all of my cornbread-related life goals :)
1. Cornbread T-Shirt...check! "Cornbread - A Taste of the South"
2. Eat as many Deep Fried Oreos as possible...check! (Nat and I are still waiting on our cholesterol to come back down...we like to live on the edge.)
3. Quick walk through the carnival avoiding any eye contact with all over-zealous carnival workers selling overpriced chances to win a goldfish....check!
4. Eat vast amounts of cornbread...oopps. I knew we'd forget something in all of our giddy excitement.
Until next year,