Although she liked climbing rocks in the woods, Jacie had been waiting for Friday to roll around because that was the day we planned to visit the Chattanooga Aquarium where she could see Nemo and Dory from the movie Finding Nemo. The aquarium is great for both the young and young at heart and we all had a good time....That would be a terrible understatement for made her day! Lee and Jacie (okay, the rest of us did it too) petted and fed sting rays and sharks. They had a great time in the butterfly house too. I was just trying to capture those elusive Kodak moments and make sure no butterflies were harmed in the process. When I put Jacie to bed that night I was playing with her hair and as she was drifting off she was still telling me, "I love giant turtles, and fish with pink fins, and the sharks....". When we got back from the aquarium Lee and Dad headed back to Foster Falls without us girls to climb things and stand too close to the edge of cliffs...(you know stuff that would give Mom a heart attack). That evening we played several games of Uno Attack (I was the proud winner of at least 2) whick included healthy doses of heckling, harrassment, and good-natured ribbing. Let's face it...board games aren't much fun otherwise. Everyone was worn out by the time we went to bed. Saturday everyone got up for breakfast (Jacie gets up at 5:30am so it doesn't take long before we're all up :) and then they headed back home. The Thanksgiving holiday was great...I would definately do it again! We missed seeing all the rest of the family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and my sister Emily and her family) but sometimes its nice to shake things up. They (and you!) are welcome to come visit any casa es su casa. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends! Check out our Kodak moments below.
Next post....the Christmas tree.
Love to all,
The Knights

I said pretty genes...not smart ones. Just kidding...Nurse Kate is the brain in the family.
He's a 10 year old boy...what did you expect when I said "Say cheese?"

Anything that resembles a chicken leg is fair game at the Knight house

Dad is up on the rock and Jacie is the pink spot on the guessed it...she was headed up to see Dad. No way.
It was way easier going down than coming up
Jacie - Wii Fishing Champion of the World. She can work that thing better than I can and she doesn't know how to read yet.
Petting the sharks and sting rays
Must be sweet
Is that the face of excitement or what?!!!! She had been walking up to EVERY butterfly just waiting for one to land on her....made her day.
He may not show it but Lee was as excited as Jacie when one landed on him
I think the crab was bigger than Jacie
Checking out the fish
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