Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Why Southern Small Town Life is Great
1. It only takes about 5 minutes to get anywhere in Jasper (the downside is there just aren't that many places to go!)
2. Wal-Mart is never crowded no matter what time it is. I used to dread going to Wal-Mart like going to the dentist for a root canal, but here its never that bad. Sure, they still need to learn to open more than 2 registers at any one time but that's just the Wal-Mart phenomenon. At least no one is pitching a fit in line or running you over with their cart.
3. Small-town, Southern people are infinitely more polite than anywhere else in the United States....lots of maam's, sir's, darlin's, sweetie's, honey's, and sugar's.
4. Housing is MUCH cheaper get a lot more for the money! We hope to buy a house in the next few years and about fell over when we scanned the real estate ads. It was a nice change from big city prices!
5. There are no traffic jams (could be due to having only 3 stoplights in town) and road rage is kept to a minimum (at no point is the speed limit higher than 45 mph within Jasper city limits). There's also a smaller chance that I'm going to get lost while driving somewhere. My GPS (Gertrude Garmin) isn't seeing as much action as she did in Kansas City.
6. The waiters at local restaurants know you by name and can usually remember what you order. For example: At Rafael's they know I always order Chicken Slouvaki with Cucumber Dip on the side. The waitress doesn't even have to ask me anymore! I love it!
7. I know my postman's name (Paul) and the sweet little lady who own's the drycleaners knows Kevin and has his order ready when she sees him walk in. What service!
8. Locally owned shops have unique items and low prices. I can get a Marion County Warriors t-shirt at Maximum Sports (on the town square) for $7. I can go to Hammers and get anything (really, I mean anything) for CHHEEAAPPP.
9. The sweet tea is perfection (ask Kevin!) and we lay claim to come of the best cooks anywhere. About once a week Ms. Maudie cooks for some of the older folks in town who can't get out and she always bring a plate over for Kevin and me (its a pastor perk). Her meatloaf may be the best thing I've ever put in my mouth...this is coming from someone who usually feels that the word "loaf" is bad news when attached to "meat." People here take eating seriously and since its our main hobby we fit right in.
10. We've made so many friends that we're getting to know well because life is slower here...people have a little more time for each other. For example, some of my little church girls were in a wedding on Saturday and they came by the house just so I could see them all dolled up with their hair curled. A weekend never goes by that we aren't invited to dinner with a family we know, out to look at Christmas lights, or to one of our kid's sporting events or school plays. Very few rush off after church on Sundays. Everyone sticks around a while to talk and catch up on the week. If your car breaks down, you need a new doctor, dentist, or hairdresser, or your house needs fixing there's always someone who "knows someone" that can fix it for you.
We realize small town life isn't for everyone but we like it. We like it because we're loved by the people here and we love them back. Come see us and you can experience it yourself.
Now we know why Andy loved life in Mayberry,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
We're Bad at Taking Vacations
We left home last Friday morning and the rain was pouring so hard all the way to Knoxville we couldn't hear ourselves think! Once we got past Knoxville the rain turned to dense, wet, snowflakes. Gatlinburg was beautiful in its white winter-wear; however, a semi had jack-knifed on Ski Mountain Rd. and we were unable to get up the mountain to our condo. Making the best of winter's cruel joke, we rented a hotel room on the main drag in town and went in search of dinner. I usually make fun of Kevin for packing everything we own "just in case we get stranded" I have to admit I was glad he packed my gloves and snow boots! The snow kept coming and we had about an inch on the ground by dinnertime.
Our dinner at the Brass Lantern was disappointing (sadly misused plastic greenery, over-cooked steak, and funky tasting Diet Coke). And just as we were paying for the overpriced fare the power went out ALL OVER TOWN...not so much as a "Don't Walk" sign flickered anywhere in sight. All the shops shut their doors for the night and the place was completely deserted! You would think they'd never seen snow before. AND IT WAS ONLY AN INCH! I was more than a little annoyed that Mother Nature was winning with so little effort.
So, we debated what to do and trudged back to the car through the slush so we could see if our hotel had electricity. Unfortunately, our room was like a cave...cold and pitch black. No one knew how long it would take to get power back because a tree was down somewhere in the national park. Instead of waiting out the cold we reluctantly packed up by flashlight (yet another handy item Kevin insists on keeping in the car) and headed back to home-sweet-home in Jasper. After an unsuccessful hunt for ice cream (Hush! It IS an appropriate comfort food regardless of weather) and a 20 minute detour to a Cleveland Starbucks we made it home by 10:30pm and got to sleep in our own bed.
Oh well, it was a good try. Next time - to the beach....less chance of snow. But then again they do have hurricanes.
I hope your holiday travels are more successful. We're headed to Georgia on Wednesday....and it better not snow!
P.S. No pictures....because we weren't there long enough to see anything picture worthy...and it was dark. Really dark.
The Hamburger Chef

Saturday, December 12, 2009
O Christmas Tree...
We also had snow last Saturday. I was surprised because that's unusual around here...AND...I thought I left that all behind in the great Midwest. It wasn't much and it was all melted by 10am...kind of pitiful really. The kids around here get so excited. It seems so unnatural to me to not grow up playing in the snow on snow days. Not to mention, their snow man making skills are just plain sad.
I hope you're enjoying the holiday season. We're approaching the 3rd Sunday in Advent and Christmas is less than 2 weeks away! All of our Christmas shopping is done as of yesterday and it feels good not to have to rush at the last minute. I decided this year that I would not stress over gift buying because the fabled "Perfect Gift" simply does not exist. Instead I'm enjoying the Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel, listening to Christmas music, and searching for good holiday recipes. I hope you are able to take some time and relax this season too. May we not get so busy in our going that we miss Christ in his coming.
Happy Holidays!
Mandy and Kevin

Tree and Nativity
The stockings were hung by the flatscreen with care, In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there....(ignore the vitamin commercial)
First Snow
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
Although she liked climbing rocks in the woods, Jacie had been waiting for Friday to roll around because that was the day we planned to visit the Chattanooga Aquarium where she could see Nemo and Dory from the movie Finding Nemo. The aquarium is great for both the young and young at heart and we all had a good time....That would be a terrible understatement for made her day! Lee and Jacie (okay, the rest of us did it too) petted and fed sting rays and sharks. They had a great time in the butterfly house too. I was just trying to capture those elusive Kodak moments and make sure no butterflies were harmed in the process. When I put Jacie to bed that night I was playing with her hair and as she was drifting off she was still telling me, "I love giant turtles, and fish with pink fins, and the sharks....". When we got back from the aquarium Lee and Dad headed back to Foster Falls without us girls to climb things and stand too close to the edge of cliffs...(you know stuff that would give Mom a heart attack). That evening we played several games of Uno Attack (I was the proud winner of at least 2) whick included healthy doses of heckling, harrassment, and good-natured ribbing. Let's face it...board games aren't much fun otherwise. Everyone was worn out by the time we went to bed. Saturday everyone got up for breakfast (Jacie gets up at 5:30am so it doesn't take long before we're all up :) and then they headed back home. The Thanksgiving holiday was great...I would definately do it again! We missed seeing all the rest of the family (grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, and my sister Emily and her family) but sometimes its nice to shake things up. They (and you!) are welcome to come visit any casa es su casa. We hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends! Check out our Kodak moments below.
Next post....the Christmas tree.
Love to all,
The Knights

I said pretty genes...not smart ones. Just kidding...Nurse Kate is the brain in the family.
He's a 10 year old boy...what did you expect when I said "Say cheese?"

Anything that resembles a chicken leg is fair game at the Knight house

Dad is up on the rock and Jacie is the pink spot on the guessed it...she was headed up to see Dad. No way.
It was way easier going down than coming up
Jacie - Wii Fishing Champion of the World. She can work that thing better than I can and she doesn't know how to read yet.
Petting the sharks and sting rays
Must be sweet
Is that the face of excitement or what?!!!! She had been walking up to EVERY butterfly just waiting for one to land on her....made her day.
He may not show it but Lee was as excited as Jacie when one landed on him
I think the crab was bigger than Jacie
Checking out the fish