I've been getting this question rather often lately. In about a week the votes will be in and I'll let you know the verdict. Next Friday night (Oct 9th) is Girls Night In @ the Parsonage, which means I'll have 10-15 girls from the church here at the house from 6:30pm thru 10am the next morning. The girls are 1st grade on up through high school and there are 12 of them signed up so far. My game plan is to have the older ones help me with the younger ones since I'll be the only adult present (this may be where the "ARE YOU CRAZY???" looks keep coming from). I have no dining room furniture so its just a big empty space - perfect for piles of pillows and sleeping bags (that they probably won't use). Kevin will be out of the house since its "girls only" and we have all kinds of girly things planned.....facials, makeovers, Wii tournament, movies, junk food, etc. They wanted a water balloon fight in the back yard but lucky for me its too cold for that now. Chances are I'll look like an Extreme Makeover, (sleep deprived) version of Rainbow Bright by the time they leave on Saturday but I'm okay with that.
So, why are you having a sleepover with all these kids? Well, why not? Don't you remember sleepovers when you were a kid? I loved sleeping over at friends houses when I was a kid! I looked forward to it all week long. It got me through Math and Science at school because I knew the torture of fractions and long division couldn't possibly last forever. Secondly, its a good chance for me to get to know them better and let them get to know me better. Let's face it.....its just easier to tell your troubles to someone you've already seen in their pajamas with bed head hair. Finally, this slumber party is a great way for me to let them know that we think they're important and that they're worth spending time with....just doing things they like to do. I guess its a small way that we can say, "We'll meet you where you are." It also provides me with a way to work in some positive messages to combat some of the junk media throws at our kids.....you know things like..."Don't ever let a boy be mean to you"...."You're beautiful just as you are whether you're a size 0 or not"....All it requires of me is my time, some junk food expertise, and a little less sleep for one night. I think I can handle that. And just in case...I've got some of those earplugs that block out some of the noise but you can still hear everything....just quieter (Hey, I may be crazy but I'm not stupid).
So, why are you having a sleepover with all these kids? Well, why not? Don't you remember sleepovers when you were a kid? I loved sleeping over at friends houses when I was a kid! I looked forward to it all week long. It got me through Math and Science at school because I knew the torture of fractions and long division couldn't possibly last forever. Secondly, its a good chance for me to get to know them better and let them get to know me better. Let's face it.....its just easier to tell your troubles to someone you've already seen in their pajamas with bed head hair. Finally, this slumber party is a great way for me to let them know that we think they're important and that they're worth spending time with....just doing things they like to do. I guess its a small way that we can say, "We'll meet you where you are." It also provides me with a way to work in some positive messages to combat some of the junk media throws at our kids.....you know things like..."Don't ever let a boy be mean to you"...."You're beautiful just as you are whether you're a size 0 or not"....All it requires of me is my time, some junk food expertise, and a little less sleep for one night. I think I can handle that. And just in case...I've got some of those earplugs that block out some of the noise but you can still hear everything....just quieter (Hey, I may be crazy but I'm not stupid).
I've got a week to get ready. Maybe I should start sleeping extra so I'll have it stored up for when I need it. I'm terrible at staying awake. I can usually only make it to about 10:30....Kevin just laughs at me and stays up watching Sportscenter.
Don't worry...I'll post pictures of all the chaos. That way you can see it but not have to experience the ear splitting noise level. On a side note - I did have one of our church ladies ask when the adult ladies were going to get to have a sleepover. Another lady reminded her that once they got down they'd never be able to get back up! hahaha!
Can't wait to see you girls on the 9th!

Abby Lynn, Haley, and Gracie Mae

Hannah Shea, Taylor, and Abby Lynn
Mandy - Slumber Party Planner Extraordinaire
Mandy, 2 things...
ReplyDelete1.) As a youth pastor, is refreshing to see the pastoral family taking an interest in the youth. Sadly, I can tell you that this doesn't happen everywhere.
2.) I love that you capitalized "the Parsonage." It looks much more formal that way, like "the Hermitage" or "the Biltmore."