My pictures have been restored! Don't ask me how...I couldn't tell you but I am thrilled. Victory is sweet! I have been laying awake at night trying to unsnarl the whole thing mentally....maybe I'll sleep better now.
Below are some pictures of our time at the football field. Its still a little too warm here to feel like football weather but no one here seems to know that. On this particular night we played against the Pirates and lost pretty brutally. The boys at our church have informed me that I am NEVER to wear Pirate colors (orange and black) or they'll disown me.

"The Opposition"...our arch rival...the South Pittsburg Pirates

Clashing on the major injuries on this night

Mia...rocking the glow in the dark necklace given out to the kids.

The PomPom Hut will spray paint your hair purple for the low low price of $2

This place was so crowded we got there an hour early just to get a seat. You can see that tons of people stood at the fence for the whole game.

The steel and canvas tepee the Marion County Warriors run through for home games. Luckily , I look good in purple.
We hope you'll go out and support your kids, grandkids, friends, and community in their sporting events this fall. You never know who you'll see!
Mandy and Kevin
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