Hannah Shea has not had a quiet moment since the day she was born. I did not duct tape her....the kids did it. I did confiscate her cell phone til half time so she would stop texting. I'm pretty sure she's going to have carpal tunnel.
Josh, Christy, and Blake. Christy was voted most spirited...just look at her socks. Festive AND team appropriate.
Haley had a Halloween party to go to after the game so she modeled her costume for me. Best go-go girl I've seen lately.
Keep our kiddos on your prayer list. We have a youth revival scheduled for them this weekend - Friday thru Sunday. A team from TNU is coming to preach for them and introduce them to some contemporary worship. The services will be at 7pm Friday and Saturday night. We're feeding them pizza Friday before the service so they can mingle with the TNU kids. On Saturday we hauling them down to the Chattanooga Rescue Mission so they can participate in a service project. We want to slowly open their eyes to the hardships many people face and how they can help. They'll be doing light maintenance and serving a meal as well as eating with the homeless so that they have a chance to talk to them. That part may get interesting...I talked to them about what we would be doing last week and I was surprised to find that they're all scared of homeless people. Its not something they see much in their little town of Jasper, TN. I hope they will begin to see that there isn't anything to be afraid of. Maybe someday they'll realize the scariest thing would be not to care or help those in our community who find themselves on the outside looking in. We'll let you know how it goes and post pictures. I'll try not to make it a month late this time!
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