Sunday, March 18, 2012

Daddy's Girl...

Yep, Maggie is a daddy's girl.... unless she's hungry, tired, or upset. Then she's a momma's girl :) 

BUT.... Daddy is a pretty good place to sleep AND helps her get big burps out AND he sings silly songs AND he talks to her like Dobby from Harry Potter. So, basically - in the end - I don't stand a chance!

 A Momma's Girl

 Just waiting for that man-sized burp...

 Just snoozing....

Maggie's Momma, 


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Maggie Hates....

being swaddled. I mean she HATES it. I fully expect to receive a bill for therapy in about 20 years stemming from the fact that she thinks being swaddled is torture. We lay her in her bassinet to sleep and it takes all of 5 seconds for her to start grunting, fidgeting, and fighting for freedom. It gets pretty loud. Being the exemplary parents that we are - we just wait and see how long it takes her to escape and then swaddle her back up again for Round 2. See below....

This is how we put her down for naps and bedtime. If her arms are loose she hits herself in the face and wakes herself up. So far, I don't think she knows she has arms. 

This is how she prefers to sleep. Arms free. Chilling on Mom's pillow (which explains why it smells like spit up. Gross.)

Look at those guns. She may look sweet but watch out for her muscle man arms....dangerous! 

Looking forward to more sleep!

Mandy, Kevin, and Maggie