Nah - how about "the hilarious"???
You might call him a "good sport" or a "giver".... I, however, call him a sucker! Why beat around the bush?
That's right folks....Pastor Kevin donned a wetsuit, flippers, and snorkel as our Deep Sea Adventure "Diver Kevin" for VBS.
The kids hooted. hollered. jumped. clapped....and eventually stood in line to dunk him in the dunk tank.
We show our love and appreciation a little differently around here....
You know, the next time he chooses to leave his wet towel on the floor or put his clothes ON TOP of the hamper instead of IN the hamper (another post entirely) - I'm going to remember this and refrain from punching him in the arm.
You know, the next time he chooses to leave his wet towel on the floor or put his clothes ON TOP of the hamper instead of IN the hamper (another post entirely) - I'm going to remember this and refrain from punching him in the arm.
I'm sorry ladies - he's taken!
My decorating expertise unleashed itself on the foyer
Clay and Elijah turned each of the sanctuary doorways into a shark or a whale
My 5th and 6th grade group...The Sea Turtles. I changed our name from "The Whales" shortly after one of the girls called me "Momma Whale" - no thank you.
We play sophisticated, fancy schmansy games around here - they picked up rocks with their feet :)
I didn't have one single solitary brave boy in my group all week. It was just us girls. Laura (tall, beautiful one in the middle) was my assistant
My girls showed the Little Nemo's (pre-k - 1st) and the Seahorses (2nd-4th) how its done on Family Night with their speaking parts.
We had a great turn out on Family Night for our program, hotdogs and all the fixin's and the DUNK TANK.
We really made him earn his paycheck this week. Really.
You can't tell here but they are lined out to the street - rubbing their little chubby hands together - plotting- and cackling about watching Pastor K go down! This was their one chance to pay him back for all the teasing. aggravating. joking. and extra long sermons.
I told you they came out of the woodwork. Something to do with throwing softballs and watching an adult flounder helplessly in cold water just brings kids from everywhere.
We had a great time at VBS but I think I know why its only a week long. The adults can't take it - we're tired. We're now deaf from all that noise. We're tired of eating goldfish crackers and fishsticks for dinner.
BUT it was worth it. We had between 40-50 kids each night and on Thursday night 7 kids accepted Jesus. Now that I've had a few weeks off I'm ready to go again!
Mandy and "Diver Kevin"
P.S. - Wes, Nick, Joy - you can all thank me for this ammunition later.