Recently we invited my Sunday School class - high school students - over to the house for pizza and games. I had planned to do this sooner but the holidays got the best of me and every weekend has been packed since know how those pastors are...only working on weekends and all.
We had a good variety of games to choose from..Taboo (a personal favorite), Apples to Apples, Cranium, etc. In fact, we probably could have just sat there and heckled each other and completely forgotten the whole game thing but since it was the reason for our gathering (other than the fact that I just love those kids AND the "all-you-can-eat" pizza buffet on the kitchen table) we went ahead and indulged in some friendly competition. The game of choice for the afternoon: Battle of the Sexes. Keep in mind that the odds weren't entirely even....4 guys against 3 girls.
I'm terribly sad to report that we lost BIG. I had no idea those boys knew the Maybelline jingle in its entirety (Maybe she's born with it....), or that "Emily" was the most popular girl's name in the U.S. in 1999, or that Susan B. Anthony led the fight to gain women the right to vote. Our downfall was slow and painful...I had never wasted my precious brain cells learning Muhammed Ali's real name or memorizing the fact that the name for a car engine with rounded pistons is a "hemi" and it came back to bite me painfully. (I knew I should have spent more time watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire and paying attention when my dad explained car repairs) In this game there is no "phone a friend" no "lifelines" and no audience vote. Its all about the tiny, useless facts ferreted away in the subconscious gray matter.
Don't worry boys...there will be a rematch and the girls will win. How do I know this?... female intuition (and I plan to memorize EVERY card and watch reruns of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader if that's what it takes)...the same way I know that Kevin will always lose the battle over who has to get up and turn the lights off at bedtime or make sure the house is locked (I'm great at pretending to be narcoleptic and fast asleep in seconds). Its a foregone conclusion...not a question of IF we'll win, but HOW. :)
Stay tuned for "before pictures" of our upcoming remodeling project. The teens are getting a new youth room....which means I get to spend lots of time picking out flooring samples, paint, lighting fixtures....
Putting their heads together....literally.

My teammates....Hannah and Christy