Isaac was sooo tired.
The boys
I remember when we moved here 3 years ago that we really wanted to turn the truck around and head back to Nashville. But we felt like God would have us stay here so we stayed...and I begged God for friends. He was faithful to provide the best friends we could ask for and they have made our time here wonderful. I won 't miss this city, but I will miss the people in it.
Tonight we have to say goodbye to Lukas, Emma, and Tara (Tim's at a conference so we already said goodbye to him). To put it mildly I'm dreading it with every fiber of my being. Tara is my best friend and I can't imagine not seeing her all the time. Who will we eat dinner with every Saturday night? Who will bring me jello and mashed potatoes when I am finally brave enough to have my wisdom teeth taken out? Who is going to make me endure the heinous experience of bathing suit shopping? Everyone always says, "Oh, don't worry. You'll make new friends." And I know that but it doesn't make leaving the ones we already have any easier. When we first got here I remember thinking to myself, "Tara can do this and I can do it too." She's generally pretty quiet until she gets to know you and absolutely hates being the center of attention (so she's not going to appreciate a partial blog post dedicated to her). But, lucky for me she is the sweetest person I know and doesn't have a mean bone in her body. She also lacks any ability to hold a grudge so I know she'll forgive me.

Tim and Tara (now you know why their kids are so beautiful)
We'll see you for dinner Tharps! Tissues in hand. :(
Mandy and Kevin