Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dear Mom....

A friend of mine sent this to me and some of our other friends who are also moms. Let it speak to you today... and if you're not a mom...go find one - and hug her.

Dear Mom,
You are a gift of God to your husband and your kids.
But you don’t always feel that way, do you?
There’s a low-level feeling of guilt that creeps into your heart from time to time. Sometimes it bubbles over into tears, usually on lonely, difficult days.
You scan blogs and read books about being a good mom. You find some helpful tidbits here and there, often from women who are grandmothers now. Women you can learn from but who seem to have forgotten the struggle. They seem to have it all together.
In your heart, you want to be the kind of mom who trains up kids to make a difference for the kingdom. You know it’s an honor to be entrusted with these kids. You know you’ve only got one shot. You want to be the mom who teaches them the Bible, models how to pray, and trains them up in the fear of the Lord.
But most of the time you feel like you’re barely holding it all together.
Your house cleaning can’t keep up with your kids’ mess-making.
The kids embarrass you by acting up right when your guests arrive.
Your husband doesn’t get just how worn out you are by the end of the day.
You come to the end of your patience. You lose your temper. Then you feel worse.
The last thing you consider yourself to be is a “good mom.” And you think to yourself, It’ll be a miracle if my kids turn out okay.
And – surprisingly – that’s right where God wants to meet you. The place where you admit your powerlessness and your need for Him.
It’s only by God’s grace that any kid grows up to be a force for the kingdom.
You see, there are no perfect kids and no perfect mothers. No matter what you read in blogs, see in magazines, and learn in books. There are sinful kids and sinful moms and dads.
And the only thing greater than both is the grace of God. The God who says “there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” The God who loves to forgive, to transform, and empower.
God loves you – not because you are a good mother but just because you are His precious child.
God loves you – not because you’ve mastered all the skills of parenting but because He has.
It’s divine grace that will transform your parenting – not guilt.
It’s grace that will keep you going and serving and scrubbing when you’re exhausted and worn out.
It’s grace that will conquer your feelings of inadequacy and remind you of God’s love for you in Christ.
It’s grace that goes for the heart of your kids, not just their behavior.
God has demonstrated the fullness of His love for you through the cross of His Son, even while you were still a sinner.
He has promised you His presence.
He has spoken His approval over you in Christ.
He is the perfect Father who delights in you as a daughter.
Find in Him your Treasure and Joy. Be to others what He is to you.
So walk in freedom. Let Him hold you together when everything seems to be falling apart.
Bask in His unfailing love for you. And rest in His promise of power.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Adventures of Miss Maggie....

As new parents who spend most of the day working, we're both excited to get to see Maggie every evening! We don't want to waste any precious Maggie time!

Here's what she's been up to lately....

 She's a very enthusiastic patriot!

 She's cracking herself up!

 Aunt Kate came to visit her for a day and they had a great time playing!

 She began her golf training.... we haven't told her yet that it involves a little more than licking the golf ball....

 We tried some spinach. Then we banned spinach from the house....

 She's been napping (or laying in her bed and yelling and laughing) with Lovie Bunny

 Playing at Ms. Carol's house! She's a great babysitter!

 I'm so cute the church ladies give me money :)

 Drinking some morning milk....laying on Momma's pillow....

 I am large and in charge! I just prop my leg up on Dad and there's nothing he can do about it!

 Getting in some playtime in the Exersaucer before bedtime... rocking my new froggy jammies!

I am so cute in my jammies!

Monday, July 2, 2012

The 10 Commandments of Parenting

There are probably some really legitimate parenting commandments out there. 

I don't know what they are but I'm sure they exist. Here are the 10 Commandments of Parenting we're living by in the Knight household these days.

**Commandments subject to change at my whim.**

1. Don't leave home without an extra outfit for everyone in your party because there's a good chance poop is going to end up on one or all of you. Maggie decided to poop on a complete stranger at a party a few weeks ago, thereby; completely mortifying her mother, but that's another blog post for another time :)

2. Its cool to go to bed at 8pm. This is because its NOT cool to be mistaken for a zombie in the workplace or look perpetually drugged because your eyes or constantly blood shot or put your car keys in the refrigerator because that is obviously the most logical place for them - due to lack of sleep. 

3. Encourage those man-burps and cheer on those diaper explosions. The alternative is a gassy, cranky, baby with a bellyache, which contributes to the zombie-like parents mentioned above. So throw that dignity out the door! Who needs it! Let the bodily functions flow. 

4. Love the chub. There's a reason no one's come up with Weight Watchers for Babies. Its a bad idea. Your infant is supposed to be chubby and rolly and pudgy. If any other well-meaning parent tries to tell you otherwise you have my permission to slug 'em. You can blame it on me. 

5. Let her cry. You can do it. Its hard. Its heartbreaking. You'll probably pace the floor. You'll wonder if it will ever stop. You'll be sure those huge crocodile tears will be your undoing. But if nothing is wrong and she's just being a bit of a hard-head then you have to let her cry it out. There are no rules that say you can't cry too. You just can't give in or your baby will WIN. And we know this is all about a power struggle right?

6. Don't give her fruit first or she'll NEVER eat vegetables. Personally, I completely agree. I skipped fruit and went straight to chocolate cake. She loved it. Then we went for carrots, sweet potatoes, and green beans. As you can see by her photo, Maggie's not a picky eater. 

7. Don't use baby talk or your child's language development will lag. We're not huge fans of baby talk in the Knight house. We stick mainly to blowing spit bubbles, blowing raspberries on her belly, and pretending to eat off her fingers and toes to get her to giggle. Who has time for language development??

8. Don't let your baby watch TV or he or she will have a short attention span. I agree that TV is a bad habit. But so is falling asleep at church or your desk. So, occasionally Maggie takes in some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Franklin the Turtle while Mommy or Daddy snoozes beside her. Judge if you must but only if you have no children, got 10 hours of sleep last night, and promise not to tell me about it. I already feel like an idiot parent half the time and I don't need your internet facts about ADHD to make me feel worse. 

9. Accessorize! Your kid could be wearing a onesie that's 2 sizes too small and smells like spit-up or the sweet potatoes she smeared in her hair at dinner last night but if you put a giant bow on her head no one will even notice. 

10. Hug her so tight she gets squirmy and kiss her so many times she gets squirmy and smile at her like she's the most important thing in the room and soak up every moment because they'll go by too fast, especially if you're stuck in the afore mentioned sleep-deprived zombie state. If you can keep this one can throw the others out the window. 

Your friendly neighborhood commandment-maker-uper,

Maggie's Mom

She's a Picky....

Sleeper! This kid will lay in her bed and cry (or fake cough) to get our attention. I've discovered this week that she likes to lay on her LEFT side facing the wall with her paci in her mouth and Lovie Bunny in her arms. 

She also knows her mom is a sucker. For example.... Kevin was out of town officiating a wedding so I had Maggie night-shift last Friday night. Her Superdad usually takes the night shift so I can sleep since I get up before the chickens :)

Anyway...back to our tale of baby-genius momma manipulation. I put her to bed at her normal bedtime....7:30ish.

Maggie laid in her bed and SCREAMED. She was not hungry. dirty. wet. injured. or gassy. 

She was however working on a Master Plan.

The screaming continued for about an hour. It didn't matter that I gave her paci to her 14 gazillion times or that I rolled her over or gave her Lovie Bunny, or that Grandma came in to talk some sense into her. Maggie was having none of it.  She's a girl who knows what she wants....

So when she got to the hiccupy, shuddery crying-breathing - my Momma Heart couldn't take it anymore and I broke one of the 10 Commandments of Parenting (see subsequent post) .... 


Then, I figured I'd already committed a major sleep-training faux pax so why not take this thing all the way. I laid her on my feather pillow in the bed beside me and tucked her in and let her hang out with me while I read a book and waited. and waited. and waited. for her to fall into a peaceful, angelic sleep just because she was in my presence :) 

Here's how the next 45 minutes went:

Me: Sitting quietly reading a book... 

Maggie: Reaches over as far as her dimply little arm can go and uses her tiny chubby fingers to slap at the pages of my book.

Me: Looks over to see what she wants.

Maggie: Giant, light-up-the-sun grin, while keeping paci firmly in place (she's a multitasker already)

Me: Silly my-kid-is -the-the-coolest-kid-ever grin back at Maggie, then I gain my composure and go back to my book. I'm showing this kid who's boss. I'm going to ignore her (core parently tactic, right?) because I'm 5,000 times smarter than a 5 month old and she's going to fall asleep and think it was completely her idea.

Maggie: Reaches over as far as her dimply little arm can go and uses her tiny chubby fingers to slap at the pages of my book.

Repeat this about 100 times and there you go... 45 minutes GONE.

So, I decided this wasn't working according to plan and we made the trip back to her room. I laid her down and she FINALLY went to sleep on her own. No crying. No screaming. 

So who won? I'm going to call it a tie. Yes, Maggie got to stay up and lay on my comfy bed and tricked me into playing her little game. But I got an extra 45 min. with my Maggie and I got to see that smile over and over and over again .... not to mention the fact that the glass-shattering screaming did stop. 

I'm declaring us both winners. Its my blog. I get to do what I want. I make the rules. The End.

(Yes, I am aware that she is laying on her RIGHT side in this photo but its what I had to work with at the time. Give me a break people!)

Totally outsmarted by my 5 month old, 

Momma Knight

Monday, June 11, 2012

It Finally Happened...

I had to go back to work on June 7th. sad. SAD. SSSAAAADDDD. Day. 

I cried myself to sleep the night before. Literally - at about 1am I drifted off into a hiccupy, teary,  can't-breathe-through-my-nose-for-all-this-crying kind of sleep. I closed my eyes and 2 seconds later it was time to get up and start: The Worst Day.

Maggie was staying home with Kevin the next morning. When I got up I could hear her in her room....talking to herself in her crib. 

I didn't go in. I couldn't go in. If I did, I knew I'd NEVER make it out the door. AND if my eyes got any puffier I wouldn't be able to drive.

So, I did what I had to do....hating it every minute. I went back to work after 4 months of Maggie-love - with puffy, sleep-deprived eyes. 

I kept wondering "What if she thinks I've left her? What if she wonders where I am? What if she's thinking, "'I need my Momma!" and I'm not there'"  

My teammates are all moms so they understood my dilemma and did their best to welcome me back and make me feel better....

 My boss brought GIANT chocolate cookies...

 I constructed a Maggie shrine in my cube...

Maggie Shrine part 2

 Cute cube decor

 Fresh hydrangeas

My welcome back "well wishes" from my floor mates

Thankful for good friends!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Love...

my new highchair! I can sit in it and play while Mom cooks or does dishes or while Mom and Dad eat dinner. Sometimes they give me bites of carrot or potato. I don't really like potatoes. Don't tell my mom or she'll make me keep trying them. 

I'm also big enough to reach the toys on my play mat... Yes! I've been waiting for this! Its really not fair for people to hang toys out of reach and then make you just look at them. Where's the fun in that?

I'm doing new things all the time!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

This was my first Mother's Day. I have to say I'm a fan of having a holiday dedicated to motherhood, now that I'm actually a mom! Its fun to get spoiled for a day.

Maggie, Kevin, and I spent the day at home after church. Maggie got me a card and the Born to be Wild documentary. We watched it together, but she was a little squirmy :)

As easily as she reaches her toes these days she kind of reminds me of those cute little orangutans on the DVD....

Kevin gave me some dark chocolate and a beautiful necklace. Good. Job. Dad!