This sign was in front of a church that is right across the highway from the house with the signs. The man who paints all of them preaches at a local church. I wonder if this might be it?
So, why put this on the blog? Well, I have a few reasons actually... 1. I knew you might not believe me if I simply told you. 2. As scary as they are we can learn something from it. These signs made me ask some questions because no one just wakes up one day and starts putting these signs in the front yard for no reason. What influenced this guy? Where is he getting his information? What shaped him into this kind of person? Does he really think this is the best way to get his message across? We could make a few educated guesses but he's the only one who knows his heart. So what does this tell me?....
1. Just because someone sends you something they recieved from someone that they consider a reliable source or sends you a forwarded message doesn't make it true. Unless you take the time to verify the information in an email or article you probably shouldn't share it with others. Even if you're just hitting the send button, you're responsible for those words. You're putting your stamp of approval on it by sending it on to others.
2. Be careful what kind of information you share with others by word of mouth. We've all played that game as kids where you pass a phrase around a circle by whispering to the person on your left. Without fail by the time it gets all the way around it is completely different than when it started. We each have to take responsibility for the things we communicate through everyday conversation, because what we choose to talk about even in ordinary conversation says something about who we are. The Bible tells us that the things we say are a clue to what's in the heart.
3. Even when we feel strongly about an issue or event we have a responsibility to communicate in a loving and appropriate manner. Kevin tells me all the time that the way I say something says just as much as the words I choose. When we're angry or find ourselves in a tense situation its especially important to speak with kindness (this is a lesson I'm still learning by the way). Speaking out without checking the facts or doing so in an offensive manner only lessens your credibility and turns people away. Remember Proverbs?...a gentle answer turns away wrath. It may also be the starting point for stopping a tidal wave of hate and confusion.
So yes, these signs are scary but more than that they're just sad. They are sad because they point to a life that seems eaten up with distrust, judgement, and bitterness. Who knows how many people have seen those signs so many times that they associate all of Christianity with one man's hate. It seems to me that they're just reinforcing the general misconception that all Christians are narrow-minded and judgmental.
Rather than communicate in such a way that needs no response and requires no relationship with others, maybe a better way means trying to live lives that point the way to a God who is loving, patient, and just but never cruel. Its a difficult task because we're not perfect, in fact we're pretty ordinary. We're people just like everyone else with problems, issues, and concerns just like yours. But with God's help anything is possible....even the transformation of the human heart. And just like God who never gives up on us, we can't give up on open-minded, loving dialogue with our communities, families, or friends. What kind of "living sign" are you?